Journal of Youth Ministry Writer/Reviewer Guidelines
Senior Editor: David Odom, Ph.D.,New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Book Review Editor: Chris Talbot, Welch College
Statement of Purpose
Christian youth ministry exists to share the biblical truths of God’s redemptive love with adolescents and facilitate their journey of becoming genuine disciples of Jesus Christ. As youth ministry educators, we are called to prepare, refresh and challenge current and future youth ministers. The Journal of Youth Ministry is a peer-reviewed medium through which professional youth ministry educators may share with, encourage, and challenge each other through our various academic and practical disciplines related to youth ministry education. This journal allows for the dissemination of ideas, sharing of research, promoting critical thinking, and encouraging innovation associated with the practice and theory of Christian youth ministry in order to strengthen its foundation and serve the church.
The journal is composed of articles, book reviews, and research reviews. Research articles are peer reviewed. While occasionally essays pertaining to current issues are published, articles most often take the form of research, and/or praxis. Research articles may use theoretical, empirical, quantitative, qualitative, ethnographic, applied or any other accepted method of scholarly research. Exploratory articles focusing on research in progress are also appropriate for the journal. Praxis articles which lay a strong theological, philosophical, or other theoretical foundation for the practice of youth ministry or the education of youth ministry professionals are also welcomed.
Publication Schedule
The journal is published twice annually in April and October.
Research Article Guidelines
Book Review Guidelines