An Award for Outstanding Students of Participating Schools

Significance of Award
It is the privilege of the Association of Youth Ministry Educators to bestow a certificate of merit upon one outstanding student from each of its member schools. This honor speaks to the association’s commitment to excellence and professionalism in the field of youth ministry.

Selection Procedure
This student will be chosen by an academic member of AYME, or a committee
chosen by said representative, according to the following criteria:

    • This student should be noted by peers and supervisors for their exemplary Christian character and spiritual life.
    • This student should have achieved an excellent academic record.
    • Beyond academic achievement, this student has striven for excellence in the practice of youth ministry.
    • This student is seen as having exceptional potential for future ministry with adolescents.

Request an Award Certificate
After the selection of a student for this award, please email the information below to, Dr. Mike Langford who will process your request and email you a PDF certificate.

    • AYME members name.
    • Email to whom the certificate should be sent.
    • Student’s name as it should appear in the certificate.
    • Name of the institution as it should appear in the certificate.
    • Certificate signers name as it should appearing the certificate (usually the department chair).
    • Name of the department/school that will appear under the signer’s name.

It is best to print this award on certificate paper and frame it for your student. Your school’s print shop probably has such paper or you can pick-up a small package of certificate paper at any local office supply store. Here is a sample of certificate paper.